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Miguel Lino Patricio

Sanctions Advisory Lead

Miguel joined Rabobank in 2019 where he is currently the Sanctions Advisory Lead within the Rabobank Group’s Financial Crime Compliance Sanctions department. This global department covers Netherlands-based Retail Banking, Food & Agri-focused Wholesale & Rural, and subsidiaries, with a geographical footprint spanning over 20 countries across 5 continents.

In his role, Miguel advises the business and the wider compliance function on complex financial and economic sanctions topics, and helps monitor sanctions compliance adherence across the organisation.

Before joining Rabobank, Miguel provided external legal and regulatory advisory to banking, finance, and insurance clients on financial economic crime and data protection matters. He holds a Bachelor of Laws from Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portugal) and a Master’s in International Trade and Investment Law (LL.M International and European Law) from Universiteit van Amsterdam (the Netherlands).